Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weird Chantix Dream #6 – Movies with Brooke & Julie

Another crappy apartment but I'm so in love with my hubby and baby girl. I'm thinking I should take a video of the place we live in cuz it's soooo bad, and I know we'll look back someday and laugh. Right? There is a water sprinkler directly above my computer (at least I have a computer) and it drips sometimes. We can't move the sprinkler because it needs to be next to all the wires. I go to take a shower and to do that I have to remove the racks from the refrigerator and crouch down inside. That's the shower. In the fridge. I wonder if my baby girl will fit in the bottom drawer. It's a very cold shower. Yuck.

But my hubby made breakfast! Toast and eggs, bacon and potatoes. I think the potatoes are cool cuz they came out of a can like spam. Just a white brick of reprocessed potato that you could mash up or dice. Pretty neat :) My hubby cooked them both ways cuz he wasn't sure which I like. I want 1/2 of each, and he gets mad about it. Like I just need to pick one, damn it.

Well I got the night off (a babysitter) and decide to go to the movies with Brooke and Julie – my sister-in-laws. We are SO excited! It's this huge movie theatre like 5 stories high and all these really important people are there. In the lobby, Brooke and Julie start saying really obscene things real loud so everyone can hear, then they run for the next open elevator and get in laughing, hoping the door will shut before anyone who heard them gets in too. 

When we finally sit down we sit at nice tables and my mother-in-law is a few chairs down from Brooke and Julie who are on one side of me. My hubby is on the other. I'm smoking, and when my my mother-in-law asks if someone is smoking in the theatre, we pass the question to the person next to us and on and on. Then we pretend that they hand us the cigarette and we pass it to my mother-in-law. She screams, "I didn't want some of it!" and we all laugh.

1 comment:

Julie Carter said...

OMG! Hahahah!