Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weird Chantix Dream #12 - Party at my House

It's late and we hear loud noises in the house. We think someone is breaking in so I run to Shelburne's room to protect her. It must have been nothing.

The next morning my hubby is in the shower and his jeans are on the kitchen floor, so I decide to go through his pockets. He has his cellphone in one pocket, and a black laptop that I never knew he had in the back pocket. I can't believe he's been hiding a laptop from me!!!

Before I can start going through it he gets out of the shower and on his way out the door for work he asks if I've seen his phone. I kick his phone under the piano bench and tell him I think I saw it there. Soon after he leaves for work, I find out that he works for the FBI or the CIA and the laptop is used to detonate bombs. I'm so glad I didn't mess with it!

Later on, some girl shows up at the house to tell me that my hubby kissed her, and she scratched him up. At first I don't believe her, but then I remember all the girls that told me the same thing and think, they can't all be lying... Then the girl attacks me and almost kills me, so I run to the neighbor's house to call the cops. The neighbor's are having a party, and when they hear about what's going at my house they all head over there. 

So all these people are hanging out partying at my house waiting for the cops to get there, and waiting to see if the girl is going to come back to fight me again. Shelburne is sleeping in a hammock under the stairs, and I am running around the yard picking up cigarette butts. The cops finally get there, but the girl hasn't returned, so the cops and all the people eventually leave at 6 in the morning.  I run around the patio locking all the doors. The doors are all vault doors like at a bank, except the front door which is a rickety wooden door. The girl shows up before I go to bed and we are fighting again. I keep hoping Shelburne doesn't see us fighting.

That day at work, I am reorganizing this little cupboard that hold little plastic animals we use to keep track of the days. Most of them are animals, but there are also several little pink plastic waitresses. At the end of each day we turn an animal or waitress backward in its cubbyhole. Then I remember there's another cupboard to the left that I usually use because the animals don't fall out as much, so I move all the animals over to that one and start organizing them again.

The house is dark when I get home. It looks different. I'm in my room when I hear a little voice coming from the bathroom. What is that? I walk in there and am disturbed to find my baby girl laying in the toilet like it's a bassinet and saying quietly, "Let me drown. Let me drown."

"What!?" I say to her. "Where did you even learn that word!?"

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