Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weird Chantix Dream #1 – The Kitchen

I was in the kitchen with my mom and Aunt Karen eating a grilled cheese sandwich. I was asking Karen how she got back with her ex, Red, about the date they had and stuff. Then my mom grabbed my grilled cheese and ate it, and I FLIPPED OUT!!! I went completely nuts! I was yelling, "ARE YOU GONNA COOK FOR EVERYONE! WE HAVE NO FOOD!!! AND YOU JUST ATE MY SANDWICH!!"

Then I started cooking on the stove. I was cooking on a pizza pan that was so warped it looked like the letter "S" fell down sideways. My mom's ex-husband Mark was there cooking too and getting in my way. I was still yelling and swearing, and when he told me to stop swearing, I got right in his face and told him not to tell ME what to do IN MY OWN HOUSE! He was yelling back at me but kept his hands behind his back, and I said, "Yeah, you better keep your hands behind your back!"

I told my mom she was an idiot for getting divorced 3 times and she told me I should try it. lol. But I wasn't laughing in my dream.

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