Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weird Chantix Dream #5 – The Blue MuMu

We were together rolling around on the ground, so happy and in love when your mom came with bad news. I wasn't, as everyone had thought, a descendant of the Queen of England. Umm... I never said I was. Your mom was real upset about it though. But you looked at me even deeper in love than we were before and kissed me. It felt so good to know that you still loved me even though I had no money.

I didn't want to miss my flight to California. I had a layover in Las Vegas the same time as Cindy Lohbeck, and was looking forward to seeing her. But my sister Bri and I had to look at some houses first. The neighborhood was VERY upscale. It had guards at the entrance and throughout. Of coarse I was naked, so I had to find something to wear QUICK! So we raided someone's closet. Apparently a very large woman who had a fine collection of mu-mu's and sweaters. Then we heard her in the bathroom.  I quickly chose a dark blue mu-mu and a short sleeved sweater with jewels on it. Then I put a thick belt around the waist that I was constantly adjusting throughout my dream.

My sister stole the first hot car she saw and drove around the neighborhood tearin it up. I'm gonna miss my flight. We ran into a group of black guys that were looking for help with some kind of fund raiser so they wouldn't loose their fancy house. I thought we were gonna play a basketball game, and I was sure at this point I was going to miss my flight, but it turned out we were playing some trivia game. During the game I left to get a drink at Sonic, but I couldn't get there because there was NASCAR race going in circles around their house. All the cars were decked out with nice rims and tinted windows n stuff, and they were going faster and faster wearing out the road, making a moat around the house.

I finaly headed to the airport and was complaining how every time I paint my nails at the airport I get nailpolish on my clothes or purse. I did get some compliments on my jeweled sweater though, and people thought it was SO expensive. I saw the tag though and it was only $65. Well, that's pretty expensive...

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