Saturday, February 5, 2011

Weird Chantix Dream #13- Starch

 We are driving past a village that is decorated for Xmas year round with a lit up merry-go-round and everything. It's right next to a camping ground that rents out TeePees on stilts with fire pits under them.

I'm on my way to work, at Houston's again. I have swollen cheeks from smiling to much. A fake smile, I'm sure. After waiting for an hour at work alone, I notice that I'm not even on the schedule, then I go downstairs and find all the employees down there. I tell them I want to work, so my boss, Allan has me starch his shirt for him. He's wearing his shirt though and wants me to spray the starch until his shirt is soaked through.

I have a tummy ache now and am looking for the ER at work. There's
got to be some Ginger Ale around here somewhere.

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