Thursday, March 8, 2012

Lost Chantix Dream #18

Ohhh my Gosh I just found this unpublished dream and it's so funny! It's mostly just NOTES, but you'll get the gist of it ;)

I'm eating donuts with SB and Kerri at Aunt Vicki's. There is a different cream filler in each donut; one had gingerbread cream, and it was wicked good.
Party at Lynn's house
She gave me a key cuz she was going away
JP left SB in the car and she was sweating and crying when I found her
Naked guy used the litter box to cover up
Cars got detailed
Julie was there
I'm Taking phone photos of Paris Hilton and cropping her head out to send to someone as a joke

Looking at dinos at a seaworld type of place. They are attacking ppl

I'm working at Houston's AGAIN! They threw away all the furniture I was storing there without even telling me or giving me a warning they were going to, and I am pissed! I had a Boppy in there! My my mom picks me up in the middle of my shift to bring me back to her house, where she has started throwing out all my furniture too! I am begging her not to get rid of it. I will keep it under a tarp behind the shed, she won't even know it's there... please let me keep it until I can sell it on Craigslist.

It's snowing out real bad, and I need to get back to work. They are going to be so mad I left without saying anything. I have to take my mom's car cuz she picked me up and we left my jeep there. Her brakes don't work again, and I'm driving through the mountains the wrong way, but I'm glad I went this went way cuz there's a bunch of waterfalls and wildlife I never saw before.

Aunt Vicki's There are lots of people staying there right now, and there are 3 tv's in the basement. As soon as I leave, the other kids are happy they can go back in their basement rooms and watch tv. Julie took the front seat of the van (behind her parents) and I have to sit on a spare tire in the back-back. I am SO mad at Julie! I yell at her and complain the whole ride home. I left my phone at Aunt Vickie's and I'm really upset about it. We stop at Sam's Club and I'm running through the parking lot pushing a shopping cart, when some 10 year old boy throws his hand out and breaks my glasses. I yell at him, and hit him back, and his dad is right there too.

Back at home, I'm trying to get Vicki's phone number from Lynn and Terry, but they are renovating the attic, and I have to climb up there barefoot. There's nails all over the floor, and when I make it up to the top some dorky girl from middle school attacks me.

Everyone is racing to go see the New Years Eve fireworks, but it's not even getting dark yet. I'm rushing making pepperoni pizzas for everyone at my apartment. I want to lock my bedroom door so nobody will go in there during the after-party, but there's already people in there.

I have crazy bangs and they are all sticky and messed up.

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